16 products
16 products
We are winding down on shipping meats for for the summer.
They will be back in September. Stock up now!
16 products
Lars Own Swedish Falukorv Sausage
Regular price $22.95
After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Falukorv is a Swedish sausage (korv in Swedish) made of a grated mixture of smoked pork and beef or veal with potato starch flour, onion, salt and mild spices. Falukorv is a cooked sausage, so it can be eaten without any further preparation.
The sausage must be kept refrigerated.
Net Weight: 24 oz. / 1.5 lb.
Country of Origin: Sweden
Barth's Market Veal Weisswurst, 1lb
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Weisswurst is a traditional Bavarian Bratwurst. Made with veal, the mildly flavored Weisswurst, when browned, is a century old classic for every Oktoberfest celebration. The sausages are heated in water well short of boiling for about 10 minuets which will turn them the distinct greyish-white. Each pack contains 4 sausages.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Landjäger Sausage
Regular price $16.95Landjäger is a semidried sausage traditionally made in southern Germany. Made from equal parts beef and pork the sausage is dry smoked like a jerky.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Net Weight: 454 g. / 16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Cheddar Bratwurst
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
German sausage or Bratwurst are typically made from pork, and less commonly from beef or veal. Carefully combined with bits of creamy cheddar cheese, when smoked or grilled, these sausages are bursting with flavor. Each pack contains 4 sausages.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Market Kabonosy Polish Sausage, 16oz
Regular price $15.95Kabonosy also known as cabanossi or kabana, is a thin dried sausage that originated in Poland. The name Kabanosy comes from the nickname kabanek given to a young fat pig that was fed mainly potatoes in the Eastern parts of Poland. This sausage is smoky in flavor and can be soft or very dry.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Nuremberg Sausages
Regular price $25.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
To qualify as a Nuremberg sausage, the sausage must be no longer than 9cm and weigh no more than 25g. Nuremberg bratwurst contain mace, pepper and marjoram in a recipe that dates back to the city's heyday as a medieval trading town. A Würstlein, or sausage supervisor, was appointed in 1315.
Each package has approximately 24 Nuremberg Sausages based on weight.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
Cooking Instructions
Nuremburg Sausage- Place Sausages into a frying pan with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Put flame on low and let the water steam off. Then take tongues and rotate sausages while maintaining the low flame until golden brown. Aprox 10-12 minutes total time.
Net Weight: 32 oz. / 2 lb .
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Bauernwurst Farmer Sausage
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Bauenwursts, also known as Farmer Sausage are medium spicy in flavor with a light hint of garlic and ginger. Each package contains 4 sausages.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: 454 g. / 16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's German Bierwurst Sausage Chubs
Regular price $12.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
A classic German smoked Brühwurst sausage originally from Bavaria. Traditionally sold as slices to use on sandwiches, this bierwurst comes packed in a chub for easy portioning.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: 340 g. / 12 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Smoked Bratwurst
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Rather than searing these bratwurst on a hot grill, these brats are gently cooked in a low temperature smoker. This gentle smoke prevents the casing from bursting and helps keep the full flavor of the sausage intact. Each pack 4 sausages.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Cheddar Jalapeño Bratwurst
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
A delicious spin on an old world classic, these cheddar jalapeno bratwurst will be the highlight of your Oktoberfest celebration. Each package contains 4 sausages.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Net Weight: 454 g. / 16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Bavarian Bratwurst
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
These bratwurst are made from finely ground pork and veal with a mild flavor and no nitrites. They are not smoked. They come fully cooked in a natural casing and ready to eat, but we think they're best heated on a grill or in a pan.
Each pack contains 4 Bratwurst.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Solinger Bratwurst
Regular price $12.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Solinger Bratwurst are a unique European pork and beef smoked sausage. Created in old city Solingen this specialty sausage is truly diverse. It can be enjoyed heated, right out of the refrigerator, or allowed to dry and be eaten at room temperature.
We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Market Andouille Sausage, 16oz
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Unlike traditional bratwurst or sausage made out of ground meat, andouille sausage is more hearty due to the chopped and diced pork. Flavored with Cajun spices, these mild spicy sausage has a very distinct flavor and are always smoky and sharp. 4 sausages per pack.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Veal Bockwurst
Regular price $11.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Bockwurst is a German Sausage traditionally made from ground veal and pork and flavored with salt, white pepper and paprika.
Each pack contains 6 Bockwurst.
With just three butcher shops and a cart, Otto Barth launched a bustling business in Geislingen, Germany. In 1940, alongside escalating world tensions and the rising Nazi regime in Germany, Otto packed up his family in search of freedom and opportunity in the United States. After settling in Irvington, NJ, Otto opened the original "Barth's Pork Store” which soon became a renowned destination for premium sausages, steaks, chops and poultry. After years of success, the store moved to New Providence, New Jersey in 1960, where the renowned “Barth’s Market” continues its legacy under third-generation owner Jim Barth and his son Max.
Shelf life: 1 month
Net Weight: ~16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Mettwurst
Regular price $12.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Mettwurst is a strongly flavored German sausage made from raw minced pork preserved by curing and smoking, often with garlic.
Net Weight: 454 g. / 16 oz.
Country of Origin: USA
Barth's Teewurst
Regular price $12.95After tremendous research, we have found a German company with an innovative design for shipping our meats and keeping them fresh until they reach your home. While the product does cost a little more, it will be well worth it, keeping your meats cold for up to four days. Please note that an insulated box will automatically be added to your cart.
Teewurst is a German-style sausage that is made from minced raw pork and bacon, seasoned, smoked and packed.
The smoked meat spread is great for breakfast on grain bread and served with tea or coffee.
Net Weight: 340 g. / 12 oz.
Country of Origin: USA